• Welcome to Equality Bristol

    Welome to the Equality Bristol website where you can find out about our campaign work in the city and how to get involved.

    Here at Equality Bristol we believe that many of the social problems we face in our communities are due to income inequality - affecting both the rich and poor alike - founded in the academic research of the best selling book The Spirit Level.

    We therefore campaign in Bristol to raise awareness of The Spirit Level and to progress the fight against inequality.

    Use the page tabs above to get involved in the campaign, to find out more about our work or to contact one of our campaign leaders.

How disparate are income levels in Bristol compared to other cities?

Each year the Centre for Cities publishes its Cities Outlook report which provides a snapshot of how the population is changing in cities and charts how they are performing economically and socially. With a focus on how different cities across the UK compare with one another, the report is of interest to local groups like ours looking … Continue reading

NEF Studies Show startling inequalities in UK Property Wealth

The New Economic Foundation’s current focus on income inequality in the UK has turned towards the issue of inequalities in property wealth – something which is as visible in Bristol as it is in any city. Over the last thirty years the UK has become one of the most unequal countries in the developed world. Nowhere … Continue reading